
Harvest 2015 – Updates

Harvest 2015 – Updates

Set 07, 2015
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The harvest in Torgiano has begun at the end of August with splendid, sunny weather. There is excitement and expectation in the air, for the grape-picking season marks the rhythm of the seasons and rekindles beloved traditions.

The first varietals to be picked were the Chardonnay, followed by Pinot Grigio. A wonderful start: ripening and acidity were perfect, confirming that this will be an excellent vintage, starting with these bases for our sparkling wines. We have also been harvesting the red varietals for a number of days, to the great satisfaction of our agronomist and enologist. Indeed, due to the attention and monitoring we always carry out on our vines, soil and, as much as possible, on the climate – thanks to our advanced climate-analysis systems – at this point in time we are pleased about having achieved the forecast and hoped-for results.